Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Hobbit: Original Production Video Blog

In case Peter Jackson didn't have enough to keep him busy while filming the Hobbit, he also filmed a vlog for the fans to keep them updated on what was going on behind the scenes. Eeeek!! I absolutely LOVE these videos.  There are 10 videos for the first movie and they average about 13 minutes a piece.

Video #1:
Peter Jackson discusses a little of what it's like to return to Middle Earth, and the process of The Hobbit movie and shows exclusive footage of props, costumes, set design, and even the actors. Showing a little of what happens a few days before they start filming.  Also, Peter's face at 6:06 is just perfect!

Video #2:
Peter sits down and talks about the first block of shooting, and about finding places for location shooting. Also, cast and crew discuss what they will be doing while on a break.

Video #3:
Peter gets lost, and cast and crew talk about what their favorite memories were from the first few months of shooting. Cast comically support their characters and each other. Also, "which dwarf would you like to invite to dinner?, and John Rhys-Davies stops by.

Video #4:
Shooting in 3D!! How all aspects are effected and enhanced because of 3D

Video #5:
Location shooting! We are taken around New Zealand to see where the movie was filmed on location and the process it takes to getting filming on the road.

Video #6:
A continuation of the main and second unit location shooting.

Video #7:
A private tour of Stone Street Studios and Weta!! *Squeal* We find out who has been recording the blog, and Legolas finds a new replacement. Easily my favorite of the videos.

Video #8:
Comic Con and the last 5 days of shooting.

Video #9
Post Production! What happens after shooting finishes, and what it takes to complete the film.

Video #10:
The Premiere!!!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Bilbo's Song to the Spiders

 Old fat spider spinning in a tree!
Old fat spider can't see me!
  Attercop!  Attercop!
  Won't you stop,
Stop your spinning and look for me!

Old Tomnoddy, all big body,
Old Tomnoddy can't spy me!
   Attercop!  Attercop!
     Down you drop!
You'll never catch me up your tree!

Lazy Lob and crazy Cob
are weaving webs to wind me.
I am far more sweet than other meat,
but still they cannot find me!

Here am I, naughty little fly;
you are fat and lazy.
You cannot trap me, though you try,
in your cobwebs crazy.

A Man of Many Faces

I think we should all take a moment to appreciate the work that New Zealand actor Jed Brophy has brought to the screen for Peter Jackson.  Jed has been in several movies that Jackson has made, so of course it should only be fitting that he would also act in all three Lord of the Rings movies and the Hobbit.

Here he is in the Fellowship of the Rings playing:

A Nazgûl
The Two Towers:

As Sharku
Sharku is the orc captain of Saruman's Warg Riders. In the film, he and his fellow warg riders were to attack the Rohirrim of Edoras while they were making way to Helm's Deep. He dies when Aragorn stabs him in the throat while grabbing onto his warg. He grabs Arwen's necklace from around Aragorn's neck during the struggle. The wound gives him a slow death, where he tells Gimli and Legolas that Aragorn "took a little tumble off the cliff".
Jed endured 6 hours of full body prosthetics and make-up for his role as Sharku, rsulting in a call time of around 2-3:00am, which usually led to 18 hour work days. As of a result of the prosthetics that were glued to his teeth, he was reduced to having liquid lunches while on set.

As Snaga:
Snaga, translated as "slave" in the Appendices, is not a personal name but a term used by Uruks to describe lesser Orcs. In the film, Jed gets his head cut off by an Uruk-hai for suggesting to eat Merry and Pippin.
"What about them, they're fresh".

A Rohan Rider
He is a rider of the Rohirrim alongside Éomer . He throws a spear and kills the Uruk that cut off Snaga's head. So he essentially gets to kill the Uruk that killed him. :)

The Return of the King:

As Bolingúl
Bolingúl was an orc captain and slasher and sub-ordinate officer of the group of orc that Frodo and Sam  joined in orc-disguise.

An Elf
Jed is also quite the horseman, and was an elf during the scene of Arwen's vision of her son.

Eldarion Telcontar is the only recorded son of Arwen and Aragorn. While he is clearly not played by Jed, Eldarion is played by Jed's son, Sadwyn Brophy. Neat huh?

The Hobbit:

As Nori
"Nori was a Dwarf of Durin's folk who lived in the northern Blue Mountains (Ered Luin) in Thorin's Hall and later the restored Lonely Mountain (Erebor). He had two brothers named Dori, and Ori, and was a remote kinsmen of Thorin Oakenshield. His hood was purple, he played the flute, and he was very fond of regular and plentiful meals like his hobbit friend, Bilbo Baggins." (lotrwiki)

 And there you have it folks, the man of many Tolkien faces, Jed Brophy.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Long and the Short of It

While on set of LoTR, Sean Astin decided to make a short film titled; "The Long and the Short of It". I would tell you all about it, but I think it would be more appropriate for Sean to introduce it himself. I have searched and searched for the 'making of' the film, and can't find it anywhere. Maybe one day, I'll find it, or figure out how to upload it myself. Anyways, enjoy.

"This was your idea!"

Ok, who remembers this scene?:

That's right! It's the fireworks scene from the Fellowship of the Ring, and what a fantastic scene to watch. What's pretty great about this scene is the the scream that Pippin (Billy Boyd) let's out as the firework goes off.  It turns out that the scream was unscripted. While they were shooting, Billy assumed that after Dominic and himself finished their dialog that the firework was just going to be raised up by a string and out of frame.  While that is partially what happened, he was unaware there was also actually going to be a mini explosion.
So when the firework explodes, Billy's natural reaction was to scream (wouldn't yours?). Apparently Peter Jackson liked it so much that he kept it for the film.

Here is the scene for you to hear it!

"I just got such a fright, and Dom just gave me abuse for it all day."- Billy Boyd

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Comical Lord of the Rings

Here are some wonderful Lord of the Rings and Hobbit related funny pictures. The gave me a few laughs and I thought I would share some giggles. Enjoy!

Seriously, right?!?

Where was Gondor when the icebergs closed in around us?! Where was gon-.....

 Well that was enjoyable.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Who am I, and What is This?

Konichiwa!! Je m’appelle Abigail, though I also answer to: Abbie, Abs, Schmabbs, Schmabigail, and Babe. I thoroughly enjoy the Psalms of David, Lord of the Rings (the books and the movies), crafting, Bleach (the anime), water (to drink and being submerged in it), German Shepherds, Lions, Seahorses, Avatar (the show), Legend of Korra, clouds, carousels, and trees. That seems like a good start. I am married to the coolest, funniest, most quick-witted guy on earth: Sean.This is him. In this picture. Right here. :P
He is a youth pastor, and a superb one at that! He makes my life awesome! I’m a Christian, and God is super duper amazing. Sadly, Christians get a bad rep because a lot of us have forgotten how to love the way Christ loves us, but I’ll save more of that for another time! I have an awesome family and in-laws. I struggle to budget our income sometimes. I am horrible at spelling. I’m trying to lose weight at the moment. I am also easily distracted. I currently have a Bachelor’s of Art in Technical Theatre. I chose this field after watching the behind the scenes on LoTR extended edition about Weta Workshop. I thought that it would be awesome to be able to do what they do. I currently am working at the Baptist Collegiate Ministry on ULL’s campus as a ministry assistant. What that has to do with my degree… .not much. Oh well, times are tough. I have a deep love for the sea. I was born and raised in Louisiana, but will be moving in a few years to my husband’s home land of Florida.

So this blog is pretty much about anything and everything Hobbit and LoTR that I find interesting. I’m starting a blog because it’s something new that I haven’t tried before. Maybe I’ll like it, maybe I won’t. I have a lot of spare time at work, and would like something to keep me distracted when times are slow. Hope you enjoy.